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Difference Between Band Saw and Circular Saw

Band saws, which in the past were mainly used for maintenance and workshop repairs, have been continuously improved. And turned into a more powerful machine, thanks to the use of bimetallic M42 saw blades. Band saws are actually a more cost-effective and efficient cutting tool than circular saws.
Compared with circular saws, the outstanding advantage of band saws is that the cutting edge is very narrow. This produces the following two effects.
First, there is no spark, no flying dust when cutting, it is environmentally friendly and tasteless, and the noise is low. It is also very safe to use in scenes such as mines.
Second, band saws are more affordable. Produces less debris, and produces greater sawing capacity with less motor power. Bandsaws are lighter and more portable. Cut anytime, anywhere.
Third, the kerf loss is smaller. Band saws are less expensive to repair and replace. If used and maintained properly, a saw blade has a continuous cutting life of at least 50,000 hours. COCH's band saws last much longer than those on the market. The 7-inch sawing machine DLY-18F1 that the customer bought in 2005 has been used until 2022 without any problems.
Fourth, band saws are more efficient and time-saving in cutting.
Today's bimetallic saw blades allow extremely high sawing degrees.
When cutting aluminum ingots, metal rods and other materials, first bundle the aluminum ingots/metal rods. Then cut in batches, the efficiency is much higher than the circular saw.

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