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How to choose a metal cutting bandsaw blade

To get the best results from your metal cutting bandsaw, you need to match the blade to the cutting task. Blade material can be important, but the most significant feature of a metal cutting bandsaw blade is the pitch of the blade, which is measured in teeth per inch (TPI). The ideal number of teeth per inch is proportional to the thickness and type of material you are cutting.
TPI, Tooth Set & Blade Material
Here we will focus on TPI, but also give an overview of the significance of tooth set and blade material, which also have a significant impact on quality and speed of cut. Once you have a basic understanding of these features of metal cutting bandsaw blades it will be easier to go to a blade manufacturer and identify the best blade for your job.
Why TPI is Important
You need to minimize vibration when using a metal cutting bandsaw. Most vibration is caused by the teeth of the blade striking the material being cut. If the gap between teeth of the blade is greater than the thickness of the metal you are cutting then the blade teeth will hit the metal one at a time without continuous contact to spread the shock of impact.
The constant ‘hammering’ of individual teeth on the metal stock edge causes vibration, which increases tooth wear and chipping. This leads to very poor finishing, makes a lot of noise and can damage your metal cutting bandsaw. If you are trying to cut rapidly and have teeth that are too large, this will make the problem worse.
It should never be possible to fit the material being cut between the blades of the bandsaw. At even moderate cutting speeds this will damage the blade teeth as well as the material you are cutting. The minimum tpi will always be enough to ensure more than one tooth is in contact at any time.
If you always have a very large number of teeth in contact with the material you are cutting on your metal cutting bandsaw this reduces the cutting efficiency and can cause overheating. The maximum tpi is a balance between cutting efficiency, speed of cut and minimizing vibration.

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